The World Of Wholesaling With Therese Ørtenblad
The product business survey I conducted this march turned up a lot of interesting information as well as a few surprises, and in episode 36 of The Resilient Retail Game Plan I did a countdown of one of the collections of results that I found most fascinating – the things that contributors said made the most difference to their businesses.
Answers ranged from establishing a stronger brand identity to cultivating consumer communities, but in this episode with the help of today’s guest, business mentor Therese Ørtenblad of Small Business Collaborative, I want to focus on the third most mentioned tactic: wholesaling.
Having worked with Therese on many different projects including talks, podcast and courses, I can’t think of anyone more passionate and better suited to help creative product businesses enter the world of Wholesaling.
In today’s podcast, we discuss the wholesale benefits of increased visibility and sales and how getting your products into stores can help create a positive shift in mindset and solidify a sense of credibility. We also delve into the long-term gains on offer when considering the interplay of sales margins and product volume, and how now is the moment for small businesses when it comes to working with stockists.
Get in touch with Therese’s about working together here and you can follow and connect with Therese at: