First Golden Rule for Effective Stock Management with Catherine Erdly

First Golden Rule for Effective Stock Management Is your cash flow problem really a stock management problem? The reason I asked this question is because recently when I ran the Retail ROAR summit, I asked everyone who signed up what their biggest issues were. And the biggest issue that came up, particularly in people with […]
A Retail Owners Guide to Effective Branding and Website Design with Tamsin Rennie

Branding and Website Design In this episode of the Resilient Retail Game Plan, I’m talking with Tamsin Rennie, founder of Monroe Creative, about the critical balance between Branding and Website Design. Their aesthetic appeal and functional performance of websites for product-based businesses. We discuss common mistakes businesses make when DIYing their websites. The significance of […]
Dive into Google Shopping Ads with Sara Jones

Google Shopping Ads Have you used Google Shopping in your business? Maybe you’ve given it a go, but you’re not really sure if you’re getting the best results. Or you’ve taken a look and it just all seems too complicated. Today I’m joined by Sara Jones. She is the founder of the online retail Academy […]
Four Golden Rules to Creating a Business You Love

Creating a Business Being in the retail business today has been described to me as standing on one side of the Grand Canyon and being able to see the other side, but having no idea how to get across. You are an ambitious, focused business owner who has big plans, and big dreams for their […]
Uncovering What Your Customers Really Want with Katie Tucker

What Your Customers Really Want Maybe you’ve been wondering, will my customers buy this? Will they like this new product line I’m developing or purchasing? Or what, quite simply, do my customers want to see from me? We often get told that we need to talk to our customers to understand them. It’s advice I’ve […]
Breaking through Sales Myths with Sara Dalrymple

Sales Myths Sales….how does that word make you feel? Do you get excited? Does it make you cringe to think about it? Are you afraid you’ll be considered “sleazy” if you do sell? Today’s episode provides practical advice on making the sales process simpler and more approachable for small business owners, aiming to boost sales […]
A Resilient Retail Pep Talk – The UK Recession

UK Recession Today’s podcast is a pep talk on UK Recession. And the theme of the pep talk today is that the UK is officially in recession. So you might think this is an odd theme for a pep talk, but I know that it can feel overwhelming and demotivating when you hear headlines like […]
Making the Most of Retail ROAR

Retail ROAR Today I want to share three tips on how you can get the most out of the Retail ROAR conference. The conference features a lineup of 10 founders of retail businesses or brands and 9 subject matter experts. To help you prepare to get the most from the conference I share a summary […]
Creating a Productive Team with Hayley Watts

Creating a Productive Team In this episode of the Resilient Retail Game Plan, I am talking with coach and facilitator Hayley Watts about effective team management, productivity, and your well-being as a founder. We talk about effectively giving responsibility to your team through an analogy with a ‘fried egg’, the importance of clarity and setting […]
Celebrating One Year of Tame Your Tiger

Celebrating One Year of Tame Your Tiger Today we are celebrating the one-year anniversary of ‘Tame Your Tiger’. I just take a moment to reflect back on the last year and talk a little bit about what it’s meant to me and to the business, to have this book out there into the world. I […]
Creating Memories: Ruth Sturdy and the Colour Chronicles Story

Colour Chronicles Story In this episode, I got to sit down with Resilient Retail Club member Ruth Sturdy, the founder of Color Chronicles. Ruth shared her journey after looking for a book that would not only allow her to record memories of her daughter but would bring her daughter into the process as well. When […]
Creating an Effective Retail Sales Plan for 2024

Creating an Effective Retail Sales Plan Do you have a sales plan for 2024? If not, do you know what is holding you back from having a sales goal? For some, they don’t really grasp the importance of having one. They’re not familiar with the importance and transformational nature of having a sales goal. And […]
How to create a business that feels good (not just looks good)

Create a business that feels good Do you ever find yourself looking at another business and thinking “I wish that my business was like that!” or “I want my business to be like XYZ.” or even “I just wish I could get to this point with my business and then everything will be fine.” You’ve […]
10 Reasons Your Customers Buy in January (Strategies to Boost January Sales)

Strategies to Boost January Sales I know that for a lot of people, you’re coming off a high from the fourth quarter. And I know it can feel like quite a slap in the face when you go from the biggest months of the year in November and December and then you get into January […]
7 Lessons I Learned from My Mastermind Members

Lessons Learned from Mastermind Members Last summer I launched a mastermind for product-based business owners and it has hands down been the most exciting that I’ve done in my business. The people in the mastermind have businesses of various sizes. Some are very large, and very well established. Some are earlier on in their journey […]
5 Questions To Ask As You Scale Your Retail Business

5 Questions To Ask As You Scale Your Retail Business Do you want to scale your retail business? In other words, do you want to grow it further than where it is now? Or maybe you’re in the process of growing it and you want to feel more comfortable and proactive with what’s happening to […]