Santa’s Little Helpers: Hiring and HR With Mandy Hamerla
Santa’s Little Helpers: Hiring and HR With Mandy Hamerla It may not be a workshop at the North Pole, but your small business is likely to be just as busy come Christmas time. By the same token, you may not have quite as many ‘customers’ as Santa Claus but you certainly might need a band […]
(Merry) Digital Marketing With Narada McKoy
(Merry) Digital Marketing With Narada McKoy If the previous few episodes hadn’t made it abundantly clear, prepping and optimising your product business for Christmas is absolute vital if you want to make the most of the year’s peak purchasing season. Building genuinely engaged audiences and deploying successful marketing campaigns doesn’t happen overnight, you have to […]
PR, Press And Product Placement With Rosie Davies-Smith
PR, Press And Product Placement With Rosie Davies-Smith You may remember that the power of PR played a large part in the results of my recent product business survey, and with Christmas, technically, on the way, getting into gift guides and being found in features could make a big difference to your sales come the […]
Pitching To The Press with Komal Pandya-Rao
Pitching To The Press with Komal Pandya-Rao This episode marks the one year anniversary of the launch of The Resilient Retail Game Plan podcast, and to all my guests and those that have tuned in over the last 47 episodes, I can’t thank you enough! I hope the podcast continues to entertain and educate you, […]
Purchase-Planning and Pinterest
Purchase-Planning and Pinterest With ever-improving engagement platforms and tools giving business owners so many different ways to reach potential customers, it’s important to diversify your marketing channels in order to get your products in front of the right people. Due to their cultural ubiquity, Facebook and Instagram might be some of the first platforms that […]
Lessons in Loyalty With Fiona Stevens
Lessons in Loyalty With Fiona Stevens Loyalty is absolutely key when it comes to selling creative products, but it’s something business owners often don’t prioritise. It’s easy to get distracted chasing new customers and with the prevalence of complicated legacy loyalty programs like Nectar and Tesco’s Clubcard, where consumers haven’t always seen the best return, […]
Etsy And Empowerment with Silvina De Vita
Etsy And Empowerment with Silvina De Vita Way back in episode 28 of The Resilient Retail Game Plan I spoke about where to sell your creative products. Each of the better-known e-commerce platforms tend to have their own kind of community and fulfil a certain niche – but in today’s episode, I want to focus […]
Sharing your journey with Manmeet Sokhi
Sharing your journey with Manmeet Sokhi There’s been a massive sea change in recent years when it comes to consumers and the relationships that they have, and maintain, with the people, companies and even industries that they buy from. We’ve seen this in the advent of conscious consumerism and through the more recent drive to […]
The Resilient Retail Product Business Survey: Part 1
The Resilient Retail Product Business Survey: Part 1 I’m excited to announce that this episode marks the start of my deep dive into the long-awaited results of my recent product business survey. There are a number of reasons I wanted to run a survey, partly to see whether certain patterns had changed since my 2019 […]
Paying Yourself In 2021
Paying Yourself In 2021 Now, as I discussed back in episode 12, I’m a passionate advocate when it comes to the subject of paying yourself from your creative product business. Whether it’s a monthly allowance, an annual bonus or something as simple as buying yourself a delicious cup of coffee, I believe you should be […]
The Trading Mentality
The Trading Mentality From Aggressive Arcadia to Positive Patagonia The Trading Mentality is an approach that is prevalent within the inner workings of some of the worlds biggest retailers. It’s an ideology that harks back to the days of market stall trading, with the message at its core being to “always be dissatisfied”. This mantra […]
Six Steps To Being More Productive
Six Steps To Being More Productive With a lot of people struggling to juggle life, work, homeschooling, side-hustles, relatives and self-care right now, I want to spend episode 26 of The Resilient Retail Game Plan on my six steps to being more productive. I’m a self-professed productivity nerd and am always looking at ways I […]
What Success In 2021 Looks Like
What Success In 2021 Looks Like Facilitated by improvements in technology, we’re seeing a big rise in people starting creative product businesses. With digital services and the ever-increasing reach of the Internet making personal enterprises easier than ever to launch, and in creating an environment in which customers are more confident buying from small and […]
The Planning Process: SWOT Up And Get SMART
The Planning Process: SWOT Up And Get SMART With rolling lockdowns and forever-changing pressures being placed on our time and availability, such as home-schooling and store closures, putting any sort of business plan in place right now might feel a bit hopeless. But, as one of my favorite sayings goes “Plans are useless, planning is […]
Retail Trends for 2021
Retail Trends 2020…what a mind-boggling year for retail! With a lot of this year’s news and headlines having focused on depressed sales, supply chain challenges, and the collapse of Goliaths such as Debenhams and the Arcadia Group, you’d be forgiven for thinking that this year has been an end-to-end disaster for creative product businesses. However, […]
Post Christmas Spring Cleaning
Post Christmas Spring Cleaning You may have only just recovered from the Christmas rush but after some well-deserved rest and relaxation, we need to click ‘reset’ on our seasonal sales strategies and ‘snap-back’ to business as normal so that we hit the ground running in January and make sure that our creative products align with […]