5 Things You Need To Know Before Starting Your Business
5 Things You Need To Know Before Starting Your Business Whether you find yourself bursting with business ideas, think that you’ve spotted a gap in the market or are simply just tired of the 9 to 5 and are ready for a change, starting a creative product business can seem like the perfect option – […]
Selling On Social Media
Selling On Social Media Social Media is an inescapable and vitally important channel through which to reach and connect with your customers. With the right mixture of content and posts, you might see great results in a short space of time but it’s important to remember that Social Media is not a sales strategy, but […]
Healthy Profit Margins
This episode is all about Healthy Profit Margins. Profit margins are like the foundations of your business so it’s very important you pay close attention to them and that you’re fully aware of how much money you’re making every time you make a sale. I go over how to breakdown your costs and how to […]
Controlling Your Stock
Controlling Your Stock This episode is all about stock management control – it can make or break product businesses. It’s all too easy to fall victim to ‘shiny new stock syndrome’ and bulk buying discounts, where you end up overstocking your business and creating a “stock monster’ that reduces your cash flow to a trickle. […]
To Resilience…and Beyond!
To Resilience…and Beyond! Episode 1 of my Resilient Retail Game Plan podcast is where you’ll find out why am I talking about the retail industry – you’ll learn more about me, what led me to set up Future Retail and most importantly why I’m so passionate about supporting independent product businesses. Whether you’re operating out […]
Troubleshooting Trademarks and Cultivating Collabs with Rosie Greener
Troubleshooting Trademarks and Cultivating Collabs with Rosie Greener In episode 111 of The Resilient Retail Game Plan, I speak to jewellery designer and founder of Good Daze (formerly Mood Good), Rosie Greener. After graduating from Central Saint Martins in 2015, Rosie landed an incredible opportunity designing for some of the top high-street stores such as […]
Five Ways To Avoid Your Product Business Becoming A Burden
Five Ways To Avoid Your Product Business Becoming A Burden Between the legacy of the Coronavirus pandemic, ballooning energy costs, rising levels of inflation and strikes left, right and centre, I think it’s safe to assume that some of you might be feeling a bit drained, exhausted even. Maybe you’ve had issues sourcing your products […]
From Social Housing To Design Studio: Significant Shifts with Gayle Mansfield
From Social Housing To Design Studio: Significant Shifts with Gayle Mansfield One of the consistent trends I’ve noticed throughout the many conversations I’ve had with small business owners is that a great number of their journeys into the product business world marked the end of an often well-established and successful career – sometimes completely unrelated […]
The Resilient Retail Recap: Your Top Five Interviews
The Resilient Retail Recap: Your Top Five Interviews After almost exactly two years since it started and with over 53,000 downloads at the time of recording, I’m incredibly pleased to say that we’ve reached episode 100 of The Resilient Retail Game Plan. It’s been my pleasure and privilege to have had so many amazing guests […]
Rethinking Your Instagram Strategy
Rethinking Your Instagram Strategy As the fourth largest social media platform in the world, Instagram has undoubtedly become ubiquitous with the way we connect, interact and for us as product business owners, how we market and even sell our goods. In my conversations with other founders and throughout the course of my consulting, the subject […]
A Resilient Retail Pep Talk
A Resilient Retail Pep Talk Whether it’s via 1-2-1 calls or strategy meetings, through my mentoring sessions or community chat, or in-person and at live events, as you’d expect, I speak to many, many product business owners on a daily basis. And when you literally ‘talk shop’ day-to-day, as I do, you begin to not […]
Five main areas to consider to fully leverage your profit potential
Five main areas to consider to fully leverage your profit potential When everything’s going well and your top-line sales are growing, it can be easy to forget to keep an eye on your actual profitability. I hardly need to remind you that the last few years have been, in a word – turbulent, and the […]
Social Entertainment and Embracing The Creative with Thomas Rankin
Social Entertainment and Embracing The Creative with Thomas Rankin You need only take a quick scan of the apps on your smartphone to see how dramatically the landscape of social media has changed since Facebook got the ball rolling in earnest all those years ago. Social media has not only been at the forefront of […]
Etsy in 2022 with Lauren Keplinger
Etsy in 2022 with Lauren Keplinger The Evolution Of Etsy And Harnessing Hyper Narrow Markets With Lauren Keplinger When it comes to the world of e-commerce, the name Etsy has become pretty much synonymous with small businesses, especially in terms of hand-made products and independently-crafted gifts. Since its foundation in 2005, the platform has changed […]
Managing Different Revenue Streams with Fiona Fawcett
Managing Different Revenue Streams with Fiona Fawcett Throughout the course of this podcast, as part of my many presentations and in discussions with numerous clients, I’ve talked a lot about the importance of multiple income streams. In a world that’s constantly changing and with ever-evolving technology that repeatedly lowers the barriers to entry in regards […]
Five Key Factors Impacting The Retail Industry Right Now
Five Key Factors Impacting The Retail Industry Right Now It’s been a strange few years and it doesn’t seem like we can expect an end to the unexpected any time soon. Off the back of a pandemic, we’re now experiencing a rise in the cost of living, climbing inflation and even further instability created by […]